Since the fall of 2022, the borough of Villeray–Saint-Michel–Parc-Extension has begun a significant shift with the revision of its urban planning regulations so that development and construction projects on the territory meet the objectives in terms of ecological transition.
After the adoption, in October 2022, of a new regulation on the projets particuliers de construction, de modification ou d’occupation d’un immeuble (PPCMOI), new regulatory amendments are proposed in December 2022 and at the beginning of the year. 2023. These revisions are the subject of public meetings and aim to improve the greening of properties, water retention, the reduction of heat islands, energy performance and the quality of living spaces. The regulations in question are those on zoning, site planning and architectural integration plans (PIIA) and conditional uses.
Ther will be a public meeting in Park – Extension to learn more about the zoning by-law amendments which will give an opportunity for residents to express their views on the subject on January 17, 2023, at 6 p.m. at 405 Ogilvy Avenue, room 201
The main objectives are to achieve the objectives of the City of Montreal in terms of ecological transition, fight against urban heat islands and preserve nature in the city, support citizens in the ecological transition, adopt efficient and effective standards, facilitate the understanding and application of regulations and find a balance between permissive and restrictive standards.
Just because new standards will come into force doesn’t mean residents must immediately make changes to their property to comply with them. They will have to meet the new standards only when they are ready to renovate or transform one of the features concerned. In the meantime, everyone has acquired rights.