Cash delivery goes bad on Jean-Talon West

On the night of Monday, Oct. 18 two assailants attacked and robbed an armoured truck delivering cash to the TD Canada Trust bank at the corner of Querbes and Jean-Talon West in the commercial centre of Parc-Extension.
At around 11 PM two guards working for the security company Garda were retrieving a shipment of cash from the local TD branch. They had left the bank and were making their way back to their armoured truck when they were approached by two people.
According to police, these two people accosted the guards before attacking them using pepper spray. It was also reported that a gunshot was fired by one of the two assailants in the security guards’ direction without hitting either of them.
The perpetrators then fled the scene on foot carrying the money in a direction still unknown to police, according to reports. Police have not specified the amount of money that was taken but said it was a significant quantity.
ullquote: “The two employees were not injured but had to be decontaminated because of the pepper spray,”
No injuries
“The two employees were not injured but had to be decontaminated because of the pepper spray,” said Jean-Pierre Brabant, spokesperson for the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM).
The SPVM set up a security perimeter around the scene, stopping traffic in both directions on Jean-Talon West between Querbes and de L’Épée.
The SPVM’s major crimes unit was sent to the scene where it set up a command post to conduct its investigation. A canine unit was also dispatched to search for evidence that may have been left by the perpetrators.
Ongoing investigation
“Our investigators are working very hard at the moment to try to find out what happened and to also get a better description of the suspects implicated in the event,” explained Brabant to TVA Nouvelles at the scene. “There was never any attempt to steal the truck,” he added.
Investigators also interviewed witnesses and viewed CCTV footage from the bank and surrounding businesses to better understand the circumstances around the armed robbery.
So far, the SPVM has found no suspects and no arrests have been made. Jean-Talon West was reopened by the morning of Tuesday, Oct. 19. The SPVM has added that it is requesting the help of the public if they have any information on the matter.

Pullquote: “The two employees were not injured but had to be decontaminated because of the pepper spray,”