The economic shock wrought by the pandemic required an unprecedented government response to help Canadians weather its aftereffects. For families in Park-Extension that had to navigate the difficult economic situation, a new survey showed that the government assistance programs had the desired effect. Federal emergency and recovery benefits introduced in 2020 through Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan—in addition to programs at the provincial, territorial and municipal levels—played a key role in mitigating the pandemic’s impacts among vulnerable populations.
Between 2019 and 2020, the overall poverty rate fell by more than one third, from 10.3% to 6.4%, representing over 1.4 million fewer Canadians living in poverty, including 332,000 children and 162,000 seniors. In particular, the supports introduced in 2020 helped lift Canadians with the lowest income – those who were on the brink – out of poverty. In addition, income inequality in 2020 was at its lowest level in 45 years, which demonstrates meaningful progress towards the government’s goal of building a more inclusive and resilient economy.
The poverty rate in Canada has decreased steadily since 2015. While the results in the 2020 Canadian Income Survey are encouraging, they must be considered in the context of a year which saw unprecedented and temporary government income support measures.
“Quick government action helped lift Canadians out of poverty, when the pandemic could have pushed them over the brink. Today’s report is encouraging, but we know there is more to do to reduce poverty in Canada and ensure an inclusive recovery. Our government is working hard to grow a more resilient and inclusive economy that gives all Canadians a real and fair chance at success.” said the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, Karina Gould on the 28th of March.