In a city known for its diversity and cultural richness, some of Montreal’s most cherished neighborhoods are experiencing a dramatic shift in their real...
In recent developments, the Quebec government, led by Labor Minister Jean Boulet, is taking significant steps to address the persistent issue of poorly constructed...
As students in Parc-Extension and across Montreal return to school, the air is filled with excitement and anticipation. However, beneath this joyful atmosphere lies...
Montreal is set to expand its innovative social intervention program, the Équipe mobile de médiation et d’intervention sociale (EMMIS), to all 19 boroughs by...
In the heart of Montreal's Parc-Extension neighborhood, a sudden change in a planned bike path has stirred concern and frustration among local residents and...
The current issue of the Parc-Extension News published July 12th, 2024.Covering Parc-Extension’s local news, politics, sports and other newsworthy events.
The current issue of the Parc-Extension News published June 28th, 2024.Covering Parc-Extension’s local news, politics, sports and other newsworthy events.
The borough of Parc-Extension is set to experience significant changes as part of Montréal's ambitious urban development plan. Mayor Valérie Plante's administration has unveiled...
In recent days, several key economic developments have unfolded that are likely to impact residents of Park-Extension. Here's a summary of what you need...
The current issue of the Parc-Extension News published June 14th, 2024.Covering Parc-Extension’s local news, politics, sports and other newsworthy events.
The current issue of the Parc-Extension News published May 31st, 2024.Covering Parc-Extension’s local news, politics, sports and other newsworthy events.
The current issue of the Parc-Extension News published May 17th, 2024.Covering Parc-Extension’s local news, politics, sports and other newsworthy events.
The Borough of VSP anounced the five winners of this year's Volunteer Recognition Awards. To celebrate their exceptional contributions, each awardee received a unique...
The website announcement and the Park-Ex complaints
The official announcement from VSP
According to the borough’s website announcement, VSP's teams are diligently continuing their extensive spring...
City of Montreal gives guidelines
As the climate continues to change, cities worldwide, including Montreal, are experiencing increasingly intense rainfall, leading to rapid accumulation on...
The transformation of a once-vacant building, previously a funeral home, at the corner of Stuart and Ogilvy in Montreal's Parc-Extension neighborhood marks the establishment...
In the heart of Montreal's Parc-Extension neighborhood, a sudden change in a planned bike path has stirred concern and frustration among local residents and their representatives. Park-Ex News recently learned from City Councilor Mary Deros that the city has altered the route of a long-discussed bike path without prior...
Local photographer puts neighbourhood front and centre in his work
In one photo, a line of damp clothes runs through the leafy canopy of a green, back alley, crisscrossed by the dark shadows of electricity lines. In another, an elderly man collects cans and bottles in the bins that line...
Éducaloi and CAPE host second renters workshop
Many renters in Park Extension have either already or will soon be receiving a notice that their rent will soon go up. With most leases renewing on Jul. 1, owners often take this opportunity to increase rent prices in their units.
While many questions...
In a city known for its diversity and cultural richness, some of Montreal’s most cherished neighborhoods are experiencing a dramatic shift in their real...
In recent developments, the Quebec government, led by Labor Minister Jean Boulet, is taking significant steps to address the persistent issue of poorly constructed...
As students in Parc-Extension and across Montreal return to school, the air is filled with excitement and anticipation. However, beneath this joyful atmosphere lies...
Montreal is set to expand its innovative social intervention program, the Équipe mobile de médiation et d’intervention sociale (EMMIS), to all 19 boroughs by...
In the heart of Montreal's Parc-Extension neighborhood, a sudden change in a planned bike path has stirred concern and frustration among local residents and...
The current issue of the Parc-Extension News published July 12th, 2024.Covering Parc-Extension’s local news, politics, sports and other newsworthy events.
The current issue of the Parc-Extension News published June 28th, 2024.Covering Parc-Extension’s local news, politics, sports and other newsworthy events.
The borough of Parc-Extension is set to experience significant changes as part of Montréal's ambitious urban development plan. Mayor Valérie Plante's administration has unveiled...
In recent days, several key economic developments have unfolded that are likely to impact residents of Park-Extension. Here's a summary of what you need...
The current issue of the Parc-Extension News published June 14th, 2024.Covering Parc-Extension’s local news, politics, sports and other newsworthy events.
The current issue of the Parc-Extension News published May 31st, 2024.Covering Parc-Extension’s local news, politics, sports and other newsworthy events.
The current issue of the Parc-Extension News published May 17th, 2024.Covering Parc-Extension’s local news, politics, sports and other newsworthy events.
The Borough of VSP anounced the five winners of this year's Volunteer Recognition Awards. To celebrate their exceptional contributions, each awardee received a unique...
The website announcement and the Park-Ex complaints
The official announcement from VSP
According to the borough’s website announcement, VSP's teams are diligently continuing their extensive spring...
City of Montreal gives guidelines
As the climate continues to change, cities worldwide, including Montreal, are experiencing increasingly intense rainfall, leading to rapid accumulation on...
The transformation of a once-vacant building, previously a funeral home, at the corner of Stuart and Ogilvy in Montreal's Parc-Extension neighborhood marks the establishment...
In the heart of Montreal's Parc-Extension neighborhood, a sudden change in a planned bike path has stirred concern and frustration among local residents and their representatives. Park-Ex News recently learned from City Councilor Mary Deros that the city has altered the route of a long-discussed bike path without prior...
Local photographer puts neighbourhood front and centre in his work
In one photo, a line of damp clothes runs through the leafy canopy of a green, back alley, crisscrossed by the dark shadows of electricity lines. In another, an elderly man collects cans and bottles in the bins that line...
Éducaloi and CAPE host second renters workshop
Many renters in Park Extension have either already or will soon be receiving a notice that their rent will soon go up. With most leases renewing on Jul. 1, owners often take this opportunity to increase rent prices in their units.
While many questions...
QUEBEC, Sept. 23, 2020 / CNW Telbec / - *WARNING—undeclared presence of unpasteurized milk in Parmesan and various allergens in homemade pizzas sold by Marché Adonis*
The MAPAQ, in collaboration with Marché Adonis, notifies people … specifically pregnant women, people...
CNW/ - The outbreak investigation is ongoing as illnesses continue to be reported to the Public Health Agency of Canada. Since August 21, there have been 78 additional illnesses reported in the ongoing Canadian investigation. There are now 457...
CNW/ - With more than 432,000 Canadians over the age of 65 living with dementia, communities across Canada are seeing the impacts this condition has on both those living with dementia and those who care for them. The number of...
CNW/ - Health Canada is aware of several cases of serious harm resulting in hospitalization after children have accidentally consumed illegal edible cannabis products. These products appeared similar to regular candies or foods and were stored in locations such as...
Do not eat, use, sell or serve any red, white, yellow, and sweet yellow onions from Thomson International Inc. of Bakersfield, California, USA, or any products made with these onions. This advice applies to all individuals across Canada, as well as retailers, distributors, manufacturers and food service establishments such as hotels, restaurants, cafeterias, hospitals and nursing homes.
Montréal—Quebec’s Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPAQ) have recalled several items that were sold at IGA, found at the 865 Sainte-Catherine St. E. address.
Items in question include: Multiple brands of sliced bread sold until August 4th; lentils, rice,...
Ottawa, Ont. – CNW
The dawn of Covid-19 brought a massive demand for products that were used minimally the world over months before the virus’s appearance—specifically medical masks and other face-coverings and of course hand sanitizers.
At first, most markets had...
OTTAWA, ON, July 8, 2020 /CNW/ - The Public Health Agency of Canada is investigating an outbreak of digestive illnesses after eating products by the company Fresh Express. In the last few weeks, 37 people in three different provinces have...
Avleen K Mokha
The Access to Information Commission of Quebec is investigating Tim Horton's mobile app. The review comes after many media outlets reported the app could collect and use clients' personal information.
In particular, the commission will look at...
COVID-19 virus can be transmitted in areas with hot and humid climates
From the evidence so far, the COVID-19 virus can be transmitted in ALL AREAS, including areas with hot and humid weather. Regardless of climate, adopt protective measures...