Dickie-Moore Park construction full steam ahead

Park Ex’s soon-to-be newest park has caused congestion on Beaumont

Construction in front of Dickie-Moore Park on Beaumont caused serious congestion on several occasions. Photo: Matias Brunet-Kirk – NEWSFIRST

The complete revamp of Dickie Moore park is finally coming to fruition as construction moves ahead on what will soon be Park Extension’s newest park.

The greenspace at the corner of De L’Épée and Beaumont is part of a redevelopment of the area part of the MIL Campus project. The project will include play areas for children as well as a large green space, all constructed in an environmentally friendly manner. 

Announced in April by the city center, construction of the new park is set to take place over the summer and wrap up by the Fall of 2021. Although the park will offer much-needed green space to residents, its construction has also caused headaches to some people around it.

Cranes, bulldozers and heavy machinery had blocked lanes on Beaumont, occasionally making vehicle circulation difficult. Combined with a condo construction project underway only a block east, the artery often used to get from de l’Acadie to Parc had been congested in the past few weeks.

Badly organized

Tony Haddad is a baker and the owner of Montreal Pita on the corner of Beaumont and Bloomfield. He had witnessed the multiple construction projects that have taken place over the past months and admitted it had become quite overwhelming. 

“It’s badly organized,” said Haddad of the situation which he said is only getting better now. “In the beginning, they didn’t let my workers come in,” said Haddad. “They weren’t letting them pass even though they’re telling them ‘hey, I work here,’” he added. 

Haddad went to the city and made a complaint, after which his employees were allowed to go down and park at the bakery. “The second time they blocked the roads it was better,” admitted Haddad.

Haddad’s answer was humble but straightforward when asked whether the city could have better planned the various construction projects. “I would tell you, but I’m a baker, I can organize my bakery,” Haddad said joking that city planning matters were not his specialty.  

“I’m pretty sure they could but I mean, you know, they don’t work on weekends,” he remarked. “The city can deal with that,” he concluded. 

A condo project down the road from Dickie-Moore Park further contributed to the issue. Photo: Matias Brunet-Kirk – NEWSFIRST

Continued construction

But construction activity at Dickie-Moore Park is nowhere near wrapping up, with several months still ahead. Park construction is moving forward smoothly, but work on de l’Épée will soon be next.

The park overhaul also includes the refurbishment of underground infrastructures like pipes, water mains and sewers under the street. Electricity and telecommunications cables will also be buried.

The artery will also be overhauled to make it more environmentally friendly. This will be achieved by repaving the road using entirely recycled materials while the sidewalks will be reconstructed using cement with granite edges.

“Dickie-Moore Park will be an essential example of sustainable development,” said City Councillor Sylvain Ouellet, who is also the lead for water and water infrastructure, infrastructure and the Electricity Services Commission at the City of Montreal, when the park was announced.

The entire development project is valued at an estimated $5.7 million. 

Worst now over

But the heavy congestion which had occurred due to construction at the park has now subsided and most work is now confined to inside the park.

“At this point now, the machinery is in the park,” said City Councillor Mary Deros. She also added that when further work takes place, businesses should be guaranteed access to their spaces. 

“The condo project is almost finished, the major construction is done,” added Deros on the project taking place at the corner of Beaumont and Querbes. “I don’t believe they are on Beaumont anymore,” she explained.  

“Yes, I understand that the people in the area have been inconvenienced because of the construction,” continued Deros, but explained that the project was now confined to the park. “It’s pretty well, self-contained,” she concluded.

Construction has now been confined to inside the park and the condo project has wrapped up. Photo: Matias Brunet-Kirk – NEWSFIRST