Avleen K Mokha

On Friday, May 1, 2020, Canada-Pakistan Association will distribute free meals in the neighborhood. Up to 40 meals will be available in Park Extension, with up to 200 meals for the greater Montreal region. The organization needs a few volunteers to distribute the meals locally.
Meals will include dishes like chicken biryani, along with fried snacks like samosas and pakora (vegetable fritters). Dishes will be prepared by cooks at Dera Restaurant, a restaurant located on Jarry street that serves Pakistani cuisine.

Funding for this effort comes from the Manzoor Haque family and Mahmood Ul-haq, president of the Canada-Pakistan organization. Volunteers and families coordinate with organizers in charge of different boroughs of the city.

As of today, 3 members of the Park Ex community have volunteered to deliver meals to those in need. Community organizer Abdul Waheed says they may need more volunteers.
“If one person can pick up food for their neighbours, they can distribute meals to others in the building,” Ul-haq said, adding that Muslim families fasting for Ramadan while social distancing due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) emergency may be in need of prepared meals.
Meals can be collected on Friday evening at the intersection of D’Anvers and Bloomfield Avenue. The group tentatively plans to distribute food on Fridays for the duration of Ramadan.
If you are a member of Park Extension, you can contact community organizer Abdul Waheed at 514 516-8582 to indicate you need a meal or to assist with delivering meals.