Avleen K Mokha

Tomorrow, April 23, is International Book Day. Due to government directives, local libraries Park Extension and Prévost are closed till the coronavirus (COVID-19) emergency ends. Fortunately, some services continue online for readers at home.
In an interview with Parc-Extension News, communications director Audrey Villeneuve discusses which digital services are available, and how librarians are working from home.
How has the daily routine of librarians changed since the closure of library spaces?
Everyone had to adapt to teleworking. From their home, librarians are planning, developing projects, ordering books, meeting through video-conference, and so on.
Librarians have been working from home since mid-March. They use their personal libraries to prepare their reading suggestions.
Librarians are also taking suggestions for entertainment activities and books to read, via the Facebook page for each of the libraries.
Which services are still available remotely?

The main services are story time sessions on Facebook and digital lending.
The librarian at the Library Prévost Facebook page reads a story live at 11 am every day. The librarian reads out the names of children watching the session. Parents can send the Facebook page the name of their child till 10 am.
How can residents of Park Extension borrow books online?
Yes, all residents of Montreal can borrow books, newspapers and magazines, in English and French, for free. You can borrow by clicking here: https://bibliomontreal.com/numerique/

You must be subscribed or take a few minutes to subscribe for free. Click here for more information: https://bit.ly/2UXcVXl
What kind of content is posted on the Facebook page for the Park Ex library?
Library Catherine Roy publishes video broadcasts every Thursday at 10 a.m. Roy plans to do these updates at least for the duration of the COVID-19 shutdown. Click here to go to the Library Park Extension Facebook page.