One step closer to new social housing in Park Ex among announcements

The borough held its regularly scheduled monthly borough council meeting last Tuesday evening, where elected officials met virtually to answer questions from citizens and vote on borough initiatives, including an announcement on new social housing in Park Ex.
Elected officials also marked International Women’s Day, thanking all women for their work in their communities and underlining the long years of activism which now permitted three women to sit on the borough council.
The meeting was once again held virtually, but the Mayor indicated she was looking forward to going back in person, perhaps in April.
Present were Mayor Laurence Lavigne Lalonde and city councillors Mary Deros, Sylvain Ouellet, Josué Corvil and Martine Musau Muele, along with city employees.
New social housing on de l’Épée
Among other decisions this week, the borough approved a permit to demolish the abandoned building at 8600 de l’Épée to make room for a social housing project.
“We are adopting the first resolution which will demolish a commercial building situated at 8600 de l’Épée to construct a building with approximately 30 social housing units aimed at families, small households and individual people,” said Mayor Lavigne Lalonde.
“This is a step forward in the addition of social housing in the neighbourhood,” she said, adding “we know this is a strong demand among people in the neighbourhood so we have this new project that will soon be underway.”
The lot had previously been a Bétonel paint store but was acquired by the borough in 2019 for $1.8 million with the express purpose of building social housing. The project is now headed by the local organization Brique par Brique, which has since released the architectural plans of the building, created by the firm Rayside Labossière.

Lavigne Lalonde: Solidarity with Ukraine
Amid an increasingly dire humanitarian situation in Ukraine, after a full-scale Russian invasion started over 2 weeks ago, elected officials took time to voice their support and solidarity with the Ukrainian people.
“We cannot ignore the tragedy currently underway in Ukraine,” said mayor Lavigne Lalonde. “We are all feeling a sense of powerlessness concerning this unjustified and reprehensible attack,” she explained but added many support actions were underway across Montreal.
“Our action may be limited and symbolic but we think it is important that the borough show its solidarity by flying the Ukrainian flag,” she said, adding that the borough had since hoisted it at Aréna Saint-Michel and Patro Villeray.
City councillor Mary Deros asked whether the same could be done in front of the borough office. “We have a strong Ukrainian community in Park Extension, even the reverend of the church on Bellechasse lives in Park Ex,” she said.
The Mayor explained that this was not possible as there were only two masts and were not allowed to remove the flags of the City of Montreal or Québec. She did add that it would be displayed in the lobby of the building.
“We are adopting the first resolution which will demolish a commercial building situated at 8600 de l’Épée to construct a building with approximately 30 social housing units aimed at families, small households and individual people,”
Volunteer Recognition Awards
During the meeting, the Villeray–Saint-Michel–Parc-Extension borough council launched the Volunteer Recognition Awards.
The borough said the awards presented a “unique opportunity for VSP non-profit organizations to highlight the invaluable contribution of volunteers who dedicate themselves throughout the year within their organizations,” according to a statement.
“The commitment of volunteers is essential, but even more appreciated after two years of the pandemic. The Recognition Awards are an opportunity to say thank you to the many volunteers in our borough,” said Mayor Lavigne Lalonde.
There are separate categories for each district in the borough as well as one for 13 to 17 year-olds. To be eligible, candidates must have accomplished a worthy volunteer action within an organization associated with the borough. Nominations are open until Apr. 8 and can be completed online at
The winners will be announced and honoured at Volunteers’ Day next June.
The meeting takes place on the first Tuesday of each month and citizens can attend virtually live or by watching the posted recordings.
The next borough council meeting will be held on Tuesday, Apr. 5, 2022. Residents can tune in virtually and send in their questions to be answered by the Mayor and city councillors.