If you find your drawers overflowing and want to part ways with personal items that are still in good condition, organizing a yard sale, commonly known as a garage sale, can be a great solution.
In Parc-Extension, yard sales are permitted without a permit during specific periods. These include the weekend and the Monday coinciding with the National Patriots’ Day and the subsequent weekend, as well as the weekend and the Monday coinciding with Labor Day and the following weekend. It’s important to note that yard sales can take place between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.
To ensure a smooth and compliant yard sale, there are some general rules to follow:
Arrange your goods on your property or in the adjacent alley, making sure not to encroach on the sidewalk. This allows for easy access and browsing for potential buyers.
If you choose to hold your yard sale in an alley, it’s essential to leave a clear passage for pedestrians, measuring at least 1.5 meters wide. Additionally, maintain a car passage of at least 2.4 meters wide to ensure a safe flow of traffic.
Place signs advertising your yard sale on your property no earlier than 4 days before the event. This helps attract visitors and generate interest. Remember to remove the signs no later than 1 hour after the conclusion of the yard sale.
Once your yard sale is over, promptly clear your property or the alley within 1 hour. This ensures a tidy environment and prevents any inconvenience to neighbors.
Avoid using illuminated signs, as they may cause unnecessary disturbances in the neighborhood.
By following these guidelines, you can successfully organize a yard sale in the Parc-Extension district. It’s an excellent opportunity to declutter your space, connect with your community, and give a new home to items that still have value. So, gather your items, set up shop, and enjoy a day of selling and socializing with your neighbors.