Quebec reports 91 new cases in last day, Montreal urges bar customers to get tested

COVID-19 Update for Saturday, July 11

Avleen K Mokha

COVID-19 refers to the disease caused by a new kind of coronavirus. Coronavirus is a family of viruses that can affect animals and humans. The family of viruses causes respiratory illnesses.

The new kind of coronavirus was first found in Wuhan, China in December 2019. Since then, the virus has spread to over two hundred countries.

The global numbers

As of today, there are 12,322,395 confirmed cases reported to the World Health Organization (WHO).

So far, 556,335 people have died across the world due to COVID-19.

The latest in Quebec

As of today, the province has 56,407 confirmed COVID-19 cases.

In the last day, Quebec confirmed 91 new cases. The majority of these new cases come from Montérégie and Laurentians, regions outside the city of Montreal.

The province also reported 8 new deaths today, which brings Quebec’s death toll to 5,620 since the crisis started.

Hospitalizations have decreased in the last week. Currently, 313 people are hospitalized in the province because of COVID-19 and 22 people are in intensive care.

Cases in the neighbourhood

Montreal confirmed 26 new cases in the last twenty four hours. The city has had a total of 27,529 cases since the COVID-19 emergency was declared.

A good number of new cases in the city are connected to outbreaks in bars and dining areas. Montreal public health is asking bar customers and staff to get tested for COVID-19

Closer home, the borough of Villeray–Saint-Michel–Parc-Extension has 2,187 confirmed cases.

However, VSP has seen no new deaths linked to coronavirus in the last two weeks, the longest the borough has gone without new deaths since the pandemic began. Since March, 131 borough residents have died because of COVID-19.