A welcome measure for the many different cultural organizations of Park Extension was announced on the 19th of March. The establishment of the Network of Digital Cultural Development Officers (DNA Network) to support organizations cultural activities was such a success that the Minister of Culture and Communications, Ms. Nathalie Roy, announced its renewal. Thus, $4,916,000 will be invested to enable cultural organizations to pursue their digital transitions.
The DNA Network is made up of about fifty agents who support cultural organizations in their transformation and digital initiatives. The community of practice aims to develop partnerships while creating a network between stakeholders in the fields of culture, communications, digital technology, and research. It plays an essential role not only in terms of developing the skills of culture and consultation professionals, but also in terms of pooling services and creating promising projects including all territories and sectors benefits.
From 2019 to 2022, the Quebec government has granted $7.5 million for this measure. More than 225 digital initiatives have been carried out by agents or have been made possible thanks to them, including market portraits, digital strategies, monitoring, consultation, and training. With the amount of $4.9 million that was announced, the Quebec government is granting a total of $12.4 million for this measure.
“Deployed since 2019, the Network of Digital Cultural Development Agents promotes the emergence of new leadership in the cultural sector. Our government is once again demonstrating the importance it attaches to the digital transformation of cultural organizations, everywhere in Quebec. These benefit from the expertise of the agents of the Network to take advantage of digital technology and develop economically. We must offer our cultural organizations the means to open new horizons to make our culture of which we are so proud accessible and discoverable. “said Nathalie Roy, Minister of Culture and Communications