The borough council of Villeray–Saint-Michel–Parc-Extension, in its session on December 6th, 2024, took significant steps to honor and celebrate diversity, education, and cultural heritage, through the approval of several motions that reflect the community’s commitment to these values.
Firstly, the council officially proclaimed February as “Black History Month” in alignment with the national celebration that has been observed since February 1995, following Dr. Augustine’s motion in the House of Commons. This proclamation recognizes the contributions of the Black community to the Canadian society and particularly in Villeray–Saint-Michel–Parc-Extension. It marks a commitment to not only remembering the past but also promoting inclusivity and understanding of the diverse fabric that forms the Canadian societal tapestry. The celebration is an invitation to all citizens to participate in activities that highlight the achievements and history of the Black community, thereby enriching the city’s cultural heritage.
In addition to this, the council declared the week of February 12-16, 2024, as the School Perseverance Days. This announcement comes on the 20th campaign of the event, emphasizing the theme “Persevering is in the Present!” This initiative recognizes the crucial role of community support in fostering students’ academic success and the importance of educational success as a collaborative effort. Municipal officials have shown their support for youth and the educational network, aligning with broader efforts like the Educational Success Movement. The School Perseverance Days serve as a call to action for the community to support students, highlighting the importance of perseverance in achieving educational goals.
Furthermore, the council proclaimed February 21, 2024, as International Mother Language Day, aligning with UNESCO’s declaration since February 21, 2000. This day commemorates the 1952 Language Movement in Bangladesh and underlines the importance of linguistic rights. It’s a day that not only remembers the past but also addresses the current challenges in linguistic diversity. By celebrating this day, Villeray–Saint-Michel–Parc-Extension shows its dedication to preserving and promoting all languages and emphasizes the need for policies that support multilingualism and multiculturalism.
These proclamations by the Villeray–Saint-Michel–Parc-Extension borough council demonstrate a profound commitment to embracing and celebrating diversity, education, and cultural heritage. These initiatives send a powerful message of unity, respect, and recognition of the diverse backgrounds and experiences that enrich the community. As the borough prepares to observe these significant events, it stands as a beacon of diversity, educational commitment, and linguistic heritage, fostering an environment of respect, understanding, and appreciation for all its inhabitants.