Avleen K Mokha
Health Canada warns the public to stop using multipurpose wipes sold by Akwaton International. Health Canada has not approved one ingredient in this product. This product has also expired five years ago.
Since January 2019, the company has distributed 588 boxes in Canada, with 25 wipes in each box.

Unapproved ingredient
The wipes contain polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride (PHMG) at a concentration of 0.05% (500 ppm). The company uses this chemical as a biocidal disinfectant. The ingredient can cause skin irritation or an allergic reaction, especially in children.

Expired product
The company has distributed 588 boxes in Canada, with 25 wipes in each box. The product expired in November 2015, which can increase the side effects of the unapproved ingredient.
Advice from Health Canada
Health Canada advises everyone to stop using this product.
Consumers can also complain to Health Canada if they experience any negative effects using an online complaint form. Click here to see the form.