Montréal / Park Extension—It’s no doubt that those con men and women that are out to gain something valuable out of this pandemic are certainly out in droves. It has been stated by many other news sources and of course in governmentally sanctioned messages on radio and TV that vigilance is to be practiced when receiving phone calls, emails and through contact on social media … especially when asked to give sensitive and personal information over the phone or said social media platforms.
Well, this past weekend, I was interviewing City Councilwoman Mary Deros for another story I’m working on (coming later this week), and she asked me to post a warning to one and all in her community, as this problem has unfortunately hit home. A Park Extension resident has had his Social Insurance Number stolen and then his identity. If this has ever happened to you, then you know what kind of nightmare it can be.
So, please, as our City Councilwoman urges: Please be vigilant out there and trust no one that calls and/or contacts you anywhere else for that matter, asking you for your private and personal information—financial or otherwise.
Stay safe out there, folks.