Borough mayor calls on residents to volunteer locally

By Avleen K Mokha

Guiliana Fumagalli, mayor of Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension borough, asks residents to respect public health guidelines and to volunteer if they are able to do so. Fumagalli lent a hand on May 1 to Afrique au FĂ©minin and PEYO, which are community organizations distributing food to residents.

Guiliana Fumagalli, mayor of Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension borough, asks residents to respect public health guidelines and to volunteer if they are able to so.
Guiliana Fumagalli, mayor of Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension borough assisting volunteers at PEYO and Afrique du Feminin. Photo: VSP Borough

To limit the spread of COVID-19, the mayor encourages Park Extension residents to follow public health instructions. These include: coughing into your elbow, washing hands frequently, keeping distance from others, and wearing face coverings in public.

Fumagalli says that the fight against the coronavirus requires everyone’s participation.

“Containment does not affect the wealthy and the less fortunate in the same way,” Fumagalli said.

Containment does not affect the wealthy and the less fortunate in the same way.

The borough mayor invites all those who have the capacity to volunteer to register on the government site