Province pushes back re-opening retail stores in Montreal

By Avleen K Mokha

Key updates from today’s press briefing on the coronavirus (COVID-19) emergency:

  • Seniors in long term care make up most of the new recorded deaths, 72 of 75 new deaths
  • 11,000 employees are missing in the healthcare system
  • Government calls members from the public join workers at long term facilities through their website
  • Elementary schools still set to open on May 19 in Greater Montreal, on May 11 outside Greater Montreal
  • Quebec premier says school boards don’t have the authority to stay closed. On Friday, Quebec English School Board Association (QESBA) said that they feel it is too early to re-open safely.
  • Teachers are allowed to wear masks; provincial Director of Public Health Dr Horacio Arruda says government will discuss the possibility of supplying protective equipment to teachers and staff
Quebec public officials provide an update on the coronavirus (COVID-19) health emergency.
Quebec public officials provide an update on the coronavirus (COVID-19) health emergency. Photo: Screenshots / CBC