Free winter biking workshop in Jarry Park this Saturday

Atelier Culture Vélo will host a free winter biking workshop in Jarry Park this Saturday for anyone interested in winter cycling but may not know how to get started. There are also additional workshop dates on the three following Saturdays.
The workshop will include a theoretical course on the essentials of winter cycling including clothing, bike maintenance, proper winter driving and best bike equipment, as well as a practical part where participants will be able to try out studded bikes and have their questions answered by instructors.
The classes are free of charge and open to anyone interested in starting to cycle in the winter. They will take place behind Atelier Culture Vélos’ offices located at the centre of Jarry Park.
“At a time when winter cycling is becoming more popular in the media, Atelier Culture Vélo invites you to safely discover the practice of urban cycling in the winter on the varied terrains of Jarry Park,” reads a statement for the event.
“At a time when winter cycling is becoming more popular in the media, Atelier Culture Vélo invites you to safely discover the practice of urban cycling in the winter on the varied terrains of Jarry Park,”
All about cycling
Founded in 2007 as a not-for-profit organization, Vrac environnement (VE) launched Atelier Culture Vélo in 2012 intending to inform and raise awareness, initiating and equipping the population of the neighbourhood for the practice of cycling as a means of utilitarian transport.
The organization offers bicycle repairs at budget prices as well as several workshops on proper cycling techniques and basic bicycle maintenance. “During the first 4 years of Culture Vélo activities, 1,200 people, including 400 young people, received mechanical services or had access to a bicycle at very low cost,” read a statement on their website.
According to their website, their mission is to promote and popularize cycling and active transportation in the neighbourhood by offering a support service to users. They want to offer affordable bicycle mechanic services that compensate for what they say is a completely absent service in the Parc-Extension district.
“We want to continue to offer training on everything related to cycling, create jobs and promote civic participation in the neighbourhood, particularly among young people and the immigrant population,” the group added.

How to sign up
The workshops will take place every Saturday from February 12 to March 5 from 3 PM at Jarry Park. The events will take place outside and will last approximately 1 hour. Participants are asked to dress warmly but would be notified if the workshop is cancelled due to severe weather.
Although open to all, reservations are required to participate and places are limited given COVID-19 restrictions. Each class will include approximately 10 people ensuring everyone can try out a bike.
Those who are interested or have questions can reach out to Atelier Culture Vélo for more information. To sign up people can email at Atelier Culture Vélo or book a spot through their website at