For all the Park-ex greenthumbs, a new seed borrowing scheme is being developed. A Grainothèque or seed library is now set up at the Saint-Michel library and at the Parc-Extension library. They are in addition to the existing one at the Le Prévost library. The borough urges residents to come get your their seeds.
What is a Grainotheque?
A Grainotheque is basically a collection of seeds to borrow! People who subscribe to Montreal libraries have access to a variety of seeds for their garden such as vegetables, nectariferous flowers, fine herbs and medicinal plants. Gardeners are invited to bring back the seeds they have collected to the library counter in order to share them with other users. The collection will thus be built over the seasons, according to the donations of each and everyone.
The maximum quantity allowed per week is 4 envelopes and the yearly maximum is 16 envelopes. At the Parc-Extension Library there are two ways to borrow seeds:
In the thematic bundle residents receive a set of four pre-selected seed envelopes at the reception desk of the Parc-Extension library. These batches are assembled according to the cultivation schedule and they must be borrowed as is.
In the custom bundle residents can select a set of four envelopes of their choice using the list of available seeds and pick up their selection accompanied by an employee.
For more information prospective Park-extension gardeners can communicate with the Parc-Extension Library at 514 872-6071 or at bibliothequesvsp@montreal.ca