VSP, recognizing the pressing need for ecological transition, has decided to take concrete actions towards sustainability. As part of its efforts, the borough is dedicating a substantial investment of $1 million towards initiatives aimed at enhancing ecological transition within its territory.
The investment will be utilized for several purposes, including the planting of trees, removal of stumps, and maintenance of sidewalk projections. Tree planting is a vital component of ecological transition as it helps to improve air quality, absorb carbon dioxide emissions, and provide habitats for wildlife. Similarly, removing stumps is critical to enhancing the aesthetics of the environment while improving soil quality.
In addition, VSP’s investment in maintaining sidewalk projections is also a significant step towards ecological transition. Proper maintenance of these projections will ensure their longevity, which reduces the need for their replacement, thereby reducing waste and contributing to the conservation of resources.
These concrete actions will contribute to the emergence of more resilient and inclusive living environments in the face of climate change. This significant investment is in line with the priorities set out in the 2023 operating budget.
$800,000 to densify the VSP urban forest
This sum will make it possible to set up an additional team dedicated to the planting of new large-scale trees in vacant pits, free of any obstruction. Thanks to this strategy, the Borough wishes to significantly increase the number of trees planted in the short term. Newly planted trees will benefit from a regular watering schedule to maximize their chance of rooting properly in their new habitat.
$200,000 dedicated to grubbing up and maintaining sidewalk overhangs
The elimination of tree stumps will be an integral part of the planting action plan implemented by the Borough. This year, additional efforts will be made to get as much out of it as possible. Once freed from their stump, these vacant spaces will provide new planting opportunities in the medium term.
This sum will also make it possible to improve the annual maintenance of all the sidewalk projections on the territory. Sidewalk overhangs help calm traffic while increasing plant cover and biodiversity. In addition, the aesthetic aspect of these islands of freshness greatly contributes to providing a pleasant living environment for the population.