I wrote a piece last week on the STM, trying to find out how the obligatory wearing of masks and face-coverings was going across the city on public transit, and of course in Park Extension. See original story here: http://px-news.com/how-are-park-extension-residents-respecting-the-new-public-transit-rules-and-regulations/. The so-called ‘grace period’ had been up as of Monday last week, and I had reached out to a source that works for the STM Inspectors for comment.
By the time the article went to press, they hadn’t gotten back to me, but after the article was published, I finally heard back from them and what I heard was quite positive in respect to what we were trying to find out, so we offer this update on the situation as it is seen by someone on the front lines in the city, especially on public transit.
They stated: “I’ll tell you 95% wear the mask … even people in an itinerant situation. The 5% are people who don’t have a mask.”
Overall, those are pretty decent numbers for the first week since the grace period was up. We’ll keep a close eye on the situation and we hope everyone is staying safe out there.